September 26, 2021

How to Develop Content Pillars for Social Media Marketing

Image by Jeremy Bezanger

Content, content and more content…  

I don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed with the many social media platforms that are taking over the online world. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn just to name a few. It’s hard to keep up.  

If you’re in this boat or if you feel like you’re comfortable with the platforms, but just don’t know what to post on your social media pages, creating “content pillars” is the perfect place to start.  

What are content pillars?   

Content pillars are topics or themes that you choose based on alignment to your overall marketing goals and a deep understanding of your customer’s interests and pain points. You will likely include interesting attributes about your business including your product and service offering, social proof (reviews / testimonials / customer experiences) and other unique points of difference.  

Where do I begin?   

  • Breakdown your marketing goals and customer interests and paint points into themes

Identify appropriate topics and themes to categorise your content that align with your marketing goals. For example if you have a restaurant, some themes that you may include could be; daily specials, venue, events, team, reviews and others.  

  • Create a table and name each column with a different theme 

This table can be created on a spreadsheet or a project management platform such as Asana to encourage team collaboration. 

  • Identify your goals for each content pillar 

This could be to educate your audience on the services you provide, which may include educational pieces about your industry, tips and tricks and other valuable information. Just remember to be specific and understand how you can measure these goals.  

  • Brainstorm your content ideas beneath each column

Brainstorm a list of ideas. Leave it for a bit and then come back to it to add more. Sometimes ideas can come at the most random of times, so ensure have access to this document so you can add to it when creativity sparks!  

Ensure you include valuable content (rather than filler content) and a call to action for each post. (A good tip is to create a list of CTA’s and a hashtag bank so you can easily refer to them when batching your posts).  

  • Be creative and engaging!   

Image posts (especially stock images) can get boring and repetitive if overused or if they look too staged. Create something engaging and custom, which may could include carousel posts, videos, reels and more.  

Depending on the platforms you’re choosing to post to, it’s important that you adjust the content and copy to suit the audience that populates that specific platform. For example on Instagram, links are not clickable in copy, so instead direct your followers to a link that’s in your bio.  Whereas LinkedIn has clickable links, so use a link shortening program such as to include your call to action whilst being able to monitor and measure source clicks from the backend of your account.  

Need help with your social media content planning and creation? We can either coach you to DIY or do it for you. Just ask us.