Everyday Awakenings is a blog dedicated to sourcing, trialling and recommending the best organic and healthy products Rosie can find to help women and their families live their best lives.
The secret is out!! Rosie loves being busy and helping others. (ha ha !)
Yep, when Rosie is not tied up being a mum, wife, friend and client manager & marketing consultant at ideapro (ummm…enough already), she’s busy writing for her blog Everyday Awakenings and sharing tips with her online community.
It’s been many years now with Rosie’s marketing background, that she had a niggling feeling that not all marketers were doing the right thing when it came to product labelling and promoting ’natural’ products. So after a period of poor health, she worked together with a naturopath who helped her start reading product labels and learning all about the world of false advertising, toxins, additives, preservatives and nasty stuff that does no good for us that we are exposed to. Over time, Rosie has also learnt that many ‘natural’ products either weren’t really natural, or if they were, they didn’t work as intended.
So this sparked an idea. Wouldn’t it be great if all the best products – food, drinks, skincare, beauty, healthcare, home – that actually worked and were good for us, were all in the one place?
And so Everyday Awakenings was born. (Anthony actually came up with the name – clever thing!)
It was all about bringing an awakening to her readers through increased knowledge. Just like the opening of our eyes at sunrise, and the reflection of the day just passed at sunset – the Everyday Awakenings
brand identity was intended to reflect either of those moments. Learnings. Awakenings. And moving forward with your new knowledge everyday. The variation of ombre’d blue green colours connects the reader to wholesome earthy places – the sea (Rosie’s favourite place) and nature (Rosie’s second favourite place).
Following development of the logo it has since been used across all social media.
You can follow the Everyday Awakenings journey here
It is Rosie’s wish that in the time you spend on her blog (and on each return visit), that you learn something new that you can take away with you which improves health and provides a positive outlook, for you and your family in some small way.